The BCA faculty, staff and alumni are dealing with the tragic news of the death of one of our former students, Greensboro Police Officer Jared Franks, who died while in pursuit of a suspect this past weekend. Jared was at BCA as a little child, growing up through middle school, and finally graduating from BCA in 2012. He graduated from Western Carolina University and then followed his father's footsteps to serve in law enforcement.
Jared was an excellent young student at BCA, growing up in our elementary, middle and high schools. He was full of zip, funny, intelligent, with a mischievous smile, good sense, his feet on the ground, a believer in Christ, a goodly son, and the best brother a sister could have. He was an individual who connected with people and was a friend to everyone. Jared was a leader at our school, made good decisions and had a head full of common sense. He laughed a lot and was always happy. We all loved him and he loved us.
Our school family, faculty, staff, students, and alumni are experiencing at least three emotions -- grief, thanksgiving and hope. We grieve at the loss of an exceptional young man. Tears are memorials of our love for him, and we are overwhelmed with pain and bereavement by this loss. But it is not simply grief that defines us. We also have a large sense of thanksgiving because we had the good fortune of having Jared as part of our lives. The journey of our lives was one in which Jared played a part. Jared touched us with his grace, warmth, humor, and his endearing and charming ways. We are thankful because our lives have been made better for knowing Jared as a friend, a son, and a brother.
Yes, we experience grief, but that is not all that defines us. Along with thanksgiving, we also experience hope. We have hope because Jared was a Christian. He said "yes" to Christ and was a committed follower. As Christians, we have hope in the resurrection and we believe in the reality of life beyond this moment. Our firm conviction is that Jared, along with millions of other believers, is in the company of the Savior that he loved. The Christian community has hope in the reality of the promises of life eternal in Christ Jesus. We are therefore hopeful and confident, even in our grief, that Jared is in the loving hands of the kindly and good Shepherd who cares so much for his sheep.
Visitation for this dear and wonderful young man will be Friday evening at Lowe Funeral Home and the funeral will be at The Lamb's Chapel on Alamance Road on Saturday (11/17) at 2:00. Please remember his dear parents, John and Karyn, and his dear sister, Abigail, grandparents, and other family members who are so much in need of our love and care during this difficult, difficult time.
As Moses said to his people in days long past, "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Much love to you all,
Michael Brown, M.A., M.Ed.
Head of School