Navigating adolescence
At BCA Middle School, we understand that the adolescent years can be tough to maneuver well (for parents and students alike!). Our middle school is known as the HUB for our school!
We believe they can be the best years yet, and have included more information below, on how we position our students and families to succeed. But, the best way to experience the difference of BCA Middle is to come take a tour for yourself!
Sign up for a tour today!
Instructional Excellence!
BCA's Middle School students overall have a history of scoring in the nation's to 15% academically with at least 30-40 points ahead of our local district's scores. Qualifying sixth grade students have the opportunity to take Pre-Algebra, which moves them into Algebra I and Geometry as 7th and 8th grade students, if parents desire. Our eight graders can also take Honors Geometry and Spanish I in our high school program.
BCA's Middle School specials classes include Art, Band, Choir, Intro to Engineering, Worldview Studies, Conflict Resolution, Social Media, Debate, Public Speaking, and much more including J-term.
J-term is a unique annual event only for our Middle School students. For one week in January, middle school students choose a special elective such as Baking, Small Engine Repair, Journalism, Archery, Rock Climbing, Calligraphy, or one of many other choices to study in small groups for the week. J-term week starts with chapel, which is followed by small group discipleship, and then students move into their specialty chosen classes where BCA teachers and volunteers take time to disciple students through their chosen specialty class. J-term is a unique experience that builds relationships and discipleship opportunities alongside fun, interesting, and student-chosen learning events.

Spiritual and Christian Development
Committed Christian teachers who are positive role models.
Bible class that equips students with the knowledge needed to understand and defend their Christian faith.
A science and history curriculum that recognizes God's hand in creation and the story of man.
Daily devotions, biblical instruction, and discipleship.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Weekly Bible studies
Annual, three-day spiritual retreat.
Mission opportunities with local community service events.
Chapel programs geared to young adolescent issues and concerns.
Warm, Nurturing, and Positive Learning Environment
Friendly teachers who demonstrate love, nurture, and enthusiasm.
Warm, orderly classrooms where there is continuity and consistency.
Ongoing positive reinforcement, praise, and feedback during the learning process.
Classroom management models that teach procedures to students and communicate expectations. Students feel safe while being encouraged to take risks.
Devoted administrators, teachers, and support staff deeply concerned with the emotional, social, and physical safety of students
Growing Sports Program and Extra Activities
Many students participate in various activities and sports programs during the middle school years. Some of the activities include the annual fall retreat, National Juniors Honors Society, FCA, Student Government, Speech Club, Math Club and various service opportunities.
Our growing sports program currently offers the following:
track and field
cross country