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High School

Every school has its own unique personality, temperament, core values, focus and corporate culture. These components make schools distinctive, unique, and either effective or ineffective.


At BCA many components contribute to it being an effective school. 

  • College Prep course of study

  • A challenging & comprehensive curriculum

  • Christian Foundations focusing on discipleship

  • Christian teachers who are positive role models 

  • An encouraging & positive learning environment

  • Relational corporate culture

  • Minimum student behavior concerns

  • Critical thinking & high standards

  • Social/emotional development focusing on growth

  • Social responsibility & involvement opportunities

  • Established sports programs

College Prep - CP, Honors, and AP Classes

As a college preparatory program, BCA offers 3 separate tracks to meet the unique needs of a variety of high school students.

  • College Preparatory Track

  • College Preparatory Honors Track

  • College Preparatory Advanced Scholars Track 


BCA's Diploma Tracks​ Information

In the class of 2023, BCA had 3 seniors be commended with the National Merit Scholarship board of being distinguished scholars, an honor received by less than 4% of our nation's seniors.​

BCA graduates have attended the following colleges and universities: Duke, NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, UNC Charlotte, Catawba College, East Carolina, High Point University and many more. 

BCA prepares students for the rigor of higher education & beyond.
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Established athletics program teaching teamwork, commitment & resilience.
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A thriving arts program cultivating student talents.
Serving & growing alongside one another in Christian faith.
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Creating relationships beyond the classroom for students & mentors.
BCA High School lunch room
Sneak a peak into the new home for our high school students.
Learn about BCA's history, terminology, and events.
Travel learning opportunities & mission trips offer off-campus enrichment.
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